
GGR Foundation Launched! Special Thanks to Our Guests & Sponsors

On October 29th, Guyanese Girls Rock’s most influential supporters and champions gathered at Zen Lounge in Richmond Hill, Queens to celebrate the Launch of the Guyanese Girls Rock Foundation, Inc. Despite the heavy rain, there was very nice showing of support and thanks to our very generous sponsors we were able to raise much-needed funds from the sale of raffle and auction tickets.  These funds will help to support our Young Women Leadership Academy and other programs and allow us to reach and recognize even more Guyanese women and girls.

GGRF President, Cloyette Harris-Stoute being interviewed by Lakshmee Singh of the Let’s Talk with Lakshmee Show

Over the weekend we received some great news.  The Queens Central Library has accepted our request to host our Young Women Leadership Academy program at its Teen Center.  This state of the art facility is located Downtown Jamaica, Queens and is central to all public transportation.  Applications to the program will be available via our website beginning November 30h, with our inaugural class starting on Saturday January 13th, 2018.  For more information about the program visit the

On behalf of the GGR Board Members, thank you again for your support as we continue to empower Guyanese women and girls in the Guyanese community.

Cloyette Harris-Stoute, Founder/President

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Guyanese Girls Rock Foundation